Mr. Seifarth managed ecological studies, surveying and permitting support for a 10-mile natural gas transmission line in northwestern Pennsylvania. Utilizing a project-specific GIS database the client was able to determine an alignment that would provide the most cost-effective alignment while having the least amount of environmental impacts. The preferred proposed alignment contained numerous stream and wetland crossings including two crossing on the Shenango River. The preferred alignment also crossed two different interstate highways.
Tasks included an inventory of sensitive ecological resources, natural resource agency consultation, detailed mapping and local, state and federal permitting. In addition, a subcontractor provided archaeological consulting services to satisfy state and federal regulations for cultural resources. Through the development of the GIS, the client identified affected property owners and determined the length of stream, wetland and river crossings. Use of the GIS enabled the calculation of borings lengths, which were ultimately used to generate construction cost estimates.
Company: Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc.
Client: Douglas Pipeline
Year Performed: 2007