Trail and Greenway Feasibility Plan

Chartiers Creek

Mr. Seifarth was project manager for this study which encompassed nearly 21 miles of proposed trail and greenway in Allegheny and Washington Counties Pennsylvania. The study provided recommendations for numerous alternative trail alignments and for acquisition of key properties for greenway development. A detailed inventory of sensitive ecological resources, cultural resources, and existing recreational facilities was also conducted.

Public relations were a critical component of this project and consisted of numerous public meeting and press releases. A video which provided the highlights of the plan and the vision for its implementation was also shot, written, edited and produced by Mr. Seifarth. GIS played an integral part in the development of the greenway and the mapping of trail alternatives. Mr. Seifarth formed a strategic alliance with Simone Collins of Norristown, Pennsylvania, to complete this important project task.

Company: Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc.
Client: Chartiers Nature Conservancy
Year Performed: 2003